Our Assessment System
At Carrington Junior School, we use assessment to gauge how children are doing with their learning, and to identify where they may need more support to continue on their learning journeys.
Continual assessment is part of the teaching process at Carrington Junior School and children are encouraged to be thoughtful about how their learning is going regularly. Children may make self evaluation comments against their work using a green pen, or they may discuss their ideas and consider improvements during lessons.
For our termly assessment of learning we use PiXL assessments, which are strongly linked to Age Related Expectations for each year group. PiXL schools across the country submit data from these assessments at the same time, and this allows the school to make a comparison against hundreds of other schools nationally. These assessments are challenging enough to allow pupils to show if they are operating at Greater Depth within the expected level. For pupils working below the expected level, an assessment appropriate to their recent learning will be selected.
PiXL assessments clearly identify where individual pupils have gaps, and which pupils are at risk of not reaching their personal potential. There is a strong link between the gaps we identify during our main assessment periods and the learning that happens in the next term. This clear focus allows children at Carrington Junior School to receive targeted whole class and small group interventions, to help them to achieve success in their learning journeys.
How will I know how my child is doing?
You will receive information about how your child is doing at a Parents' Evening in the Autumn or Spring Term, as well as through your child's Annual Report in the Summer. You will also receive regular messages from your child's class teacher, including photos of some of their work, on SeeSaw.
Do you do any other assessments?
We may do mini quizzes or tests at the start and end of units to see how much children have remembered.
Children will be regularly tested on their spellings and times tables.
For children still receiving support with their phonics learning, there will be individual phonics assessments to identify their learning gaps.
Reading levels will be checked whenever your child reads with an adult, as well as at termly checking points.
At the start of the year your child may be tested using short assessments in reading, SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and maths.